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Now Utopia is a political philosophy for today's internet generation and what has been dubbed the 21st century enlightenment. It's a book that ambitiously attempts to solve the problems of the world by analyzing the past, showing what we have in the present and setting out a plan for the future. There are two halves to the book, one of scholarly observation followed by one of constructive forward planning.

The first section goes through a process of cultural psychotherapy. It looks at the world today- crisis, economic policy, law, foreign policy, ideological positions and how there is a veil over our media which contains the parameters of social discourse. It then looks at the historical context in which we find ourselves in today’s situation, the social evolution and moral development, the complexities of power structures, key milestones in political philosophy and ideology, and therefore how societies within civilizations have developed to where we are today. It shows how development within civilizations reflects a yearning in the human spirit to strive towards improving our living conditions, towards the quality of life, towards how we all can exist together in society and share our space with peace and enjoyment, towards living in Utopia.


Then it looks towards future developments, largely from internet activity, and examines what it can tell us about the progress of human nature, group behavior and developments in organized thinking. It suggests that the human race has reached what the author calls a 'technological cosmic consciousness', whereby people can globally connect like never before. It looks at how these new relationships and global communication capabilities change the mindset of those connecting and the world at large. It shows how the internet has brought about an awakening to the oneness of humanity being the ultimate goal in our empathic human journey. This awareness from a 'virtual world made up of ideas' heralds a new era and brings about a collective strength of conviction and a universal righteousness. The book shows how the internet is a model of how ideas compete with other ideas without the physical clash between the people attached to those ideas and how this model can be worked into modern political governance.

It shows how past political structures were at the mercy of elements of human nature based on survival, fear, aggression, servitude and ambition and not a result of human compassion, intellect and a sense of progress. It shows how the current political systems across the world, based on 19th century and earlier models, are failing the majority of people while seeming to work on behalf of the elite wealthy groups just as pre-enlightenment systems had done, regardless of how we see our modern world and vision of democracy within it.  It concludes that today’s political systems do not match what the general population want from the world, from their own existence or most peoples perception of fairness.

The second part of the book is a suggested framework for a better world, a utopian society in the form of a new political system that takes all previous development and understanding into account. Now Utopia OFFERS a new philosophical viewpoint based around six virtues that one develops in relationship to society and how nurturing the empathic consciousness from self to citizen can be achieved within the agreed collective. The basis of improving our living conditions, our environment and our social cohesion is the acknowledgement of six complex social systems that stem from our collective development of the personal virtues. The philosophy is not simply an abstract idea but a framework for what could be the beginning of a new era of social and political life.

Based on the core philosophy it puts forward a suggestion for a new Constitution and Social Contract for the UK. It suggests a political framework – 12 Pillars of Governance - that would work on behalf of all the people of the nation to bring about the development of 12 groups of social aims that makes each department directly accountable for results within a new method of tax distribution. It suggests a new voting system in a style of Direct Democracy whereby the public vote on groups of issues on a monthly basis as opposed to representatives. The book then puts forward an economic model – Sustainable Collective Economics - to take us from the existing growth model format that is taking us further towards the brink of self destruction towards what will prove to bring our very survival, well-being and prosperity distributed across society and the world. From these ideas it sets forth a very practical vision of how social policy could be steered in this country that would best bring well-being and potential prosperity of those within the agreed collective of the UK nation state.


The book then sets out a plan of how we could simply and efficiently implement these ideas to bring about a better UK. The final chapter is about what potential effects this method of thinking could have on the rest of the world. Did I mention that it was ambitious?

The book is a fascinating cross discipline work that enlightens the reader in a range of subjects from political philosophy, history, education, politics, ecology, economics, sociology, neurology and more. It’s an inspired attempt at global problem solving as much as it is a heartfelt yearning for well-being and prosperity of the human spirit.

Read it. It could change your life. It could change all our lives.




A World of Crisis
The illusion of Democracy
Runaway Capitalism, an A-moral entity
Exponential Growth
A Change is Gonna Come
A Brief History of Thinking
Political, Social and Ethical Development
Wired for Society – Evolved Morality
Yearning for Utopia - Humanist Ideology
The Age of Realization in the Internet Generation
Technological Cosmic Consciousness
Conspiracy of Compassion in Collective Thought Processes
Programming Governance
4. NOW UTOPIA – A 21st Century Political Philosophy
Human virtues and the 6 social systems
British Constitution & Social Contract
NU Horizontal Politics and Direct Democracy
Committees as Intellectual Strongholds
The People’s Hex
A super-organism of inter-dependent social systems
NU economic Policy
Assigned Taxation
End of Days for economic growth – Prosperity through increased efficiency
6. NU POLICY – 12 Pillars of Governance
Intellectual Armageddon
Conflict with the wealth & power elite
Change12 Campaign – Your PARTICIPATION
8. NU WORLD ORDER – The Oneness of Humanity
World Constitution and Human Manifesto
Aims of the human race
The 6 World divisions – 6 approaches
Nations, Borders and Immigration,


Now Utopia - A Political Philosophy for the 21st Century

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