UK Humanist Constitution & Social Contract
This is a suggested Constitution for Britain from a humanist perspective.
It conveys the ethos of the Humanist Party and serves as an example of how we can better design society around the collective moral position of 21st century UK society. The Constitution is structured so that it prioritises moral positions so that there is clarity when two moral positions arise in a single issue.
The Constitution of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
This, the Constitution of The United Kingdom of Great Britain, recognizes the complete sovereignty of this nation, free from rule and oversight of other nations, and serves as the final and highest word in law of the people of the nation and the responsibility of government to its people, replacing the authority on previous law of these lands and of foreign legislation over this nation. The United Kingdom of Great Britain continues to recognize its responsibilities to the outside world as a nation within the unity of nations and will endeavor to help influence the world to bring their own survival, well-being and prosperity to the peoples of other nations as equals to our own people.
The key objectives of Human Endeavor and the Moral Principles to live by, in order of priority:
Sanctity & Preservation of Human Life
The sanctity, protection and preservation of human life is above all the single most important feature of human endeavor. It must be in every citizen’s mind and the basis of every state legislation and hold priority above all other actions that people are protected from life threatening occurrences and kept out of harms way
Quality of Existence
No person in the agreed collective can inflict harm or incite or instruct others to inflict harm on a person or persons either physically or mentally at any time with the only exception being where it can be shown that it is in a position of defense as a last option in a given moment and that defense is proportional as a reaction to prevent harm being inflicted
Every person has the right to freedom from domination, suppression, fear, threat, servitude, slavery, degradation, torture or cruelty or harm physically or emotionally, in the home, the workplace, society or upon foreign soil
All citizens are afforded maintenance of liberty, a life of dignity and privacy where required while they are maintaining their responsibilities and obligations of citizenship
To recognize the human conscience and reasoning to question, to opinionate and to express where that expression in cause and effect does not violate the quality of existence of others
To have respect for religious, spiritual, or non-religious, non-spiritual beliefs of others with in the nation state, within the community or within the family or domestic arrangement and to be allowed to live a life within those belief systems where it does not contradict or violate the ethical or moral ideology of the nation state or social standards of behavior preserved within this constitution ie the sanctity and preservation of human life, the quality of existence or the harnessing of life and personal development or the rights and duties of citizen or the objectives and responsibilities of the nation state.
All people - citizens, visitors to the nation state and foreign nationals - are to be treated with respect and equality in regard to their gender, age, physical or mental abilities, race, place of origin, religion or spirituality, their position in society and their sexuality.
The arrangements for romance and sex are to be entered into by dual consent of two adults at any time over the age of 16 and either party may choose to dissolve that arrangement when they want to without penalty.
Indecency, overt sexuality and nudity in verbalization, personal enactment, film or image are only to be in areas where adult agreement has been made to accept said practices
Harnessing of Life and Personal Development
Every citizen has the freedom and encouragement to harness all personal potential in oneself developing self-determination, quest for knowledge, sociability in their connection to the living environment, utilized capabilities, courage and the rational required for self control.
Every citizen is to harness a relationship of empathic connection to society based upon Compassion, Awareness, Shared Responsibility, Interactivity, Productivity and Participation.
It is the objective of both citizen and state alike to draw a balance between the above two positions within each citizen in recognition of the self as both The Individual and The Member of Society, to continue to act as both while neglecting neither.
Marriage is to be recognized as an arrangement of inter dependency between two people and as an institution is to be open to any two consenting adults as long as both adults agree fully on the contract
Every child is born, or adopted, into a situation of care and responsibility taken by the adult carer/s who have prepared in understanding how best to carry out their responsibilities as parent/guardian
At 4 years every child is provided a formal situation of education in which to develop and learn from professionals who become their guardian for the duration of that learning period
At 11 years every child agrees to take partial responsibility for their own learning and citizenship in partnership with their parent/guardian/s and allocated teaching professionals
Education and re-education throughout life is to be encouraged by the individual and by the state in order to produce a society of progressive intellectualism
No person should be enforced into a situation of separatism based on creed, skin color, race or religion, either in the school, the workplace or other commercial or social institution as it is separatism that leads to the sense of otherness in society that has been the basis of conflict.
Protection and Development of the living environment
Due to the nature of the shared environment no person or institution or entity shall unduly pollute the environment where it can be avoided and where an understanding of pollution has been established.
The personal production of pollution also extends to odors, noise and chemical where the cause effects other people in the moment or the greater environment for future generations
It is the responsibility of all in society and state to work towards the improvement of the living environment for current well-being, future generations and long term human survival
Universal Social Contract
Preamble: The nation state of the United Kingdom of Great Britain is the defined perimeter of organization for the nation which is to be respected in physicality and concept. It is the defined and agreed collective in space and the resources within as well as the membership of its citizens. Citizens belonging to the nation state have rights and duties in relation to the nation state and the nation state in return has objectives and responsibilities to the citizen. This is the binding contract between these two parties - citizen and state.
The Rights and Duties of Citizenship
All citizens have equality in the eyes of society and the laws of the nation state regardless of gender, adult age, physical or mental abilities, race, place of origin, religion or spirituality, their position or status in society or their sexuality,
All citizens are equal also in political power on a system of one person one vote without people being represented by other people, gangs, groups, associations, parties or unions when it comes to casting that vote over issues on a monthly basis so that there is no higher political power than that of the electorate.
All citizens therefore have equal responsibility to become politically and socially aware through the state or an independent medium to understand the issues they are asked to vote upon on a monthly basis
Recognition that the nation state is the only and highest ruling authority when it comes to matters of citizenship and the legal boundaries, rights and responsibilities as put forward in this constitution.
For the state to be able to uphold justice and fairness in society the guardians of the state must be respected in their legal authority to uphold law and order in society.
Protest and objection to the State, its function, its methods and the Guardians of the state must be made through the correct channels and not be made as the Guardians or Civil Servants of the State carry out their duties
All citizens must have respect for the boundaries of the nation state in physicality and concept and are free to travel within the nation and to and from the nation with the usual provisions for passport and visa
All citizens of the nation state need to show their alligence to the nation state and no other nation. The nation state is open to criticism but it not open to defiance in deed which is an act of treason.
All citizens are accountable for the cause and effect they have on society and the people within society
All citizens have accountability towards the state and are not afforded annonimity or privacy as far as their relationship to the state and their appearance in public because of the risk it carries in crime and misconduct
Where a citizen is suspected to be in violation of this constitution then a reasonable investigation may be carried out by the guardians of the state and the findings presented to a board of judges for trial, and the citizen is allowed representation in their defense of prosecution.
Where a citizen is deemed to be a continued threat to the well-being of society and/or citizens within society then steps can be taken to limit their liberty until such time as they are no longer deemed a threat.
Where a citizen has been found guilty of violation of the constitution then a reasonable repayment must be made by the citizen to balance the cause and effect of their actions, this is to be calculated on the effect to the victim, the work carried out in apprehension by guardianship/policing services, the court system expenses and the further penal services.
Where possible work must be made available to those who have restricted liberty so that the sentenced citizen is able to repay their debt to society
Drug addiction of legal or illegal drugs, cigarettes or alcohol should be discouraged at every opportunity and the addict needs to be helped out of the addiction so that society is not harmed as a result of their lack of reason in behavioral issues.
To understand the basis and the subtleties of the national moral position – Compassion, Awareness and Shared Responsibilities. Compassion to give only for the sake of kindness, to encourage fairness, to treat others with rational equality and not to bring harm, to be truthful, to combine compassion with awareness to bring empathy in order to give respect to others for their own sense of pride, to understand possession and know to respect what does and does not belong to you, to take on a social sharing or responsibility to endeavor to learn, to dedicate to ones own health and well-being and encourage those around you and to contribute to society for what you receive in return.
To understand that living ones life with Compassion, Awareness and Shared Responsibility can also lead us away from the immoral positions of selfishness, greed, unrequired lust, humiliation, disrespect, hate, anger, dominance over others, abuse, ignorance, envy, hypocracy, cowardess, untruthfulness, extreme egoism, self-delusion, self indulgence, gluttony and slothfulness.
In order for the nation to reach a sustainable population couples wanting children are encouraged and incentivized to have the ideal of just one child when they reach their 30’s
Post retirement aged citizens are encouraged and incentivized to take part time work in order to contribute to the productivity of the nation
It is the personal responsibility of the citizen who owns property to ensure that the property itself is integrated to the living biosphere by a) generating its energy needs in a sustainable fashion and b) treating its own waste products c) generating a proportion of food production d) contributing proportionally to the production of oxygen/absorbtion of CO2 e) contributing to biodiversity within the environment
Nation State Objectives and Responsibilities
The nation state is obliged to maintain the ideology of this constitution in all its deeds and actions and at all times without exception.
The further objectives and responsibilities of the nation state towards the citizens of the nation state and the world can be divided into the 12 main sections of political structure – The 12 Pillars of Governance – to focus better on achieving 12 groups of social aims for the well-being and prosperity of the people of the agreed collective that is the United Kingdom of Great Britain
1) Dept of Citizen Welfare
The Office of Political Process, Information and Consensus
Dept of Education & Progress
Dept of Health & Well-being
Dept of Community, Resources & Environment
Dept of Infrastructure, Transport & Communications
Dept of Employment, Commerce & Industry
Foreign Office
Dept of Guardianship Services
Justice and Fairness Commission
Dept of Finance and Economics
Dept of Culture & Heritage
Dept of Citizen Welfare
It is he responsibility of state to ensure that every citizen is aware of and develops a relationship with ‘the hex’ medium in order to establish connection and participation of the individual and the state with regard to 1) Their Participation in National Governance 2) Their access to Education & Progressive Intellect 3) Local Services, Community and Living Environment 4) Personal Productivity where they develop their ‘tradable personal capabilities’ 5) Justice & Fairness Department as the manifestation of developed human morality and their Department of Guardianship that carries out agreed legislation 6) The treasury, so that citizens have a complete and dynamic relationship to society
It is the responsibility of the state that every citizen is aware of the ideology of the nation state set forth in this constitution
It is the responsibility of the state that every citizen is greeted with compassion by the nation state that is available to each individual in times of hardship and need financially, emotionally or ready in physical help, establishing a truly compassionate nation state for all.
The Office of Political Process, Information and Consensus
The main objective of TOPPIC is the ‘connected participation’ of the public electorate in the political process so that there is understanding, influence and egalitarian voting power brought to the people of the nation state
And further to encourage the development of political thinking and social solutions in society as a whole so that those with the will and aptitude stand forward as a committee who make up the best national human resources qualified to do the job in hand with a range of committee member skills and specialist knowledge. A group of civil servants must dedicate themselves to facilitating this political process and the two-way flow of information in an impartial non-bias way.
The Office of Political Process must work exclusively to dedicate themselves to ensure that the political process is guarded from those who wish to exercise power and authority over it by influence, coersion, pressure or any other means other than spreading information to allow the electorate to decide on a one vote per person system.
The Office of Information must inform the citizens on all areas of political process and policy making and fairly present to the public at all times except where national security is an issue and then a special committee of information will be applied.
The Office of Consensus and Voting will ensure that the electorate have their collective and individual will feedback to those committee members serving the public by highlighting key contributions and gaining statistical analysis on public opinion
The political process must be, at all times, in keeping with the constitution
Of Dept of Education & Progress
The state has the responsibility to provide information and education to all its citizens from the age of 4 to 10 in the form of total compulsory education partnering with schools and parents, from 10 to 16 in the form of a shared responsible role of educating in partnership with schools and the student, and in adult life from 16 onwards in the form of student accepting their role of citizenship and also pursuing their own path of educational choices.
The government should also have available the means by which its people can obtain access to learning and learn how to teach
Online and library forms of further education and information should be made available to all and especially that of the information of current issues in the political realm
The state will also provide vocational training to match the unfolding needs of industry to the skill base of the citizen labor force
The State should also provide information relating to all other state department objectives including national health, employment and industry, foreign policy, culture and heritage, etc
The state is to prepare the individual for citizenship within the ideology of this constitution and to lead a life that will harness a relationship to society based upon Compassion, Awareness and Shared Responsibility
The state is to prepare the individual to harness all personal potential in oneself developing courage, knowledge, capability, determination, rationality and interactivity with others
It is the responsibility of the state to ensure that there is no segregation of children within the agreed collective into educational facilities that discriminate on the basis of gender, race, country of origin or religion
Of Dept of Health & Well-being
It is the responsibility of state to provide the most efficient and effective system for keeping the nation in good health and prolonged life and the best emergency services where needed.
Health expands to all forms of well-being that have a biological effect so the department is also concerned with forms of preventative health solutions such as exercise and body care.
Care should be provided where possible to not enslave the citizen patient to a life of pharmaceutical support that drains the health services of its resources
Of Dept of Community, Resources & Environment
It is the responsibility of the state that the right amounts of resources are made available to the national needs and obtained at the most efficient cost to both the citizen and the state in a sustainable way
It is therefore state responsibility to foresee the needs of the nation with regard to resources and to make sure needs are provided for by researching, developing and building both short term and long term solutions
Recognition that eco systems need to be completed in farming methods as much for urban development as they do for rural life in gardening as much as farming.
It is the responsibility of the state to convert immediately away from the use of fossil fuels and towards the use of renewable energies (such as wind, wave, solar, thermal, tidal and hydro) which is to be achieved on a distributed basis across all households.
Recognition and respect of the 7 ecological boundaries are fundamental to the survival and well-being of the people of the nation and of the world and all legislation has to protect our living environment in regard to these boundaries
With property ownership comes the personal responsibility to provide within that property space i) a self reliant system of energy production ii) integrated provision of fresh water iii) treatment and delivery of all household and human waste – ( human solid, human water, garden fibre, consumer recyclable, used water) iv) A reasonable proportion of food production v) Contribution to the living biosphere (production of oxygen, absorbtion of carbon dioxide, opportunity for biodiversity through provision of living conditions for elements of the eco system)
Of Dept of Infrastructure, Transport & Communications
It is the responsibility of the state that all infrastructure be maintained in order that society can operate at its upmost efficiency
It is the responsibility of the state to ensure all transport opportunities are maintained and are available at the most efficient the system can be operated without ongoing cost to the environment
It is the responsibility of state that communication channels are as efficient as they can be for both the citizen and the welfare of the state through lands line fibre optics, airwaves and satellite communications maintenance
Of Dept of Employment, Commerce & Industry
*It is the responsibility of the state to provide a minimum amount of productivity with payment so that each citizen is able to survive their basic needs through employment within the state sector while simultaneously providing further education and training to aid them in seeking better opportunities in the private sector
*The state has the responsibility to seek, in partnership with the citizen, worthwhile and suitable employment for all its citizens by
informing of work availability, keeping a dialogue with industry as to it current and future needs, keeping a dialogue with the educational bodies as to the skills required and levels of training, keep a profile on the citizen work record and educational and matching suitability
Of Foreign Office Policy
To help make the world a better place, in order of survival, well-being and then prosperity where possible and not to make things worse with regard to world peace, world health and the safety, well-being and prosperity of global citizens
To provide asylum to foreign nationals only within our overseas jurisdictions so that they may be protected until they can return to their own communities
To arrest and disarm those who are bringing death, harm and suffering to others and aim to defend those being oppressed or restrained without due cause
To aid and assist the lesser developed countries with their infrastructure and basic human needs
To help establish trade links with countries where the trade is by mutual consent and agreed pricing not to take advantage of localized distressed situations and where fair trade can be practiced to provide for the long term needs of both the buyer and the producer
To maintain a safe world for all by outlawing the international arms trade
To prevent regime development of the regimes who bring harm to the people of its nation or other nations
To work towards our global obligations towards protecting and developing the natural environment
To help promote the ideals of this constitution where it may be deemed as the solution to political and social unrest but to respect the cultural differences in the choices of other nation states where those choices are deemed to be by mutual consent
To provide asylum to foreign nationals within the world by mutual consent but not necessarily upon British soil by providing facilities within other nation states for monitoring and protection.
Of Dept of Guardianship Services
It is the role of the state to provide guardianship to areas such as policing, domestic and overseas military, coast guard, fire and ambulance services and boarder control
To this end, the citizen who chooses to do this job should not be put at unnecessary risk to their lives or well-being where it can be avoided and must be provided with the tools with which they can best carry out their role
It is the responsibility of government to adequately regulate state policy across all sectors of social, commercial and political life in a manor that protects the interests of the British public and foreign nationals and to further ensure those regulating services are not corruptible
The military forces of the nation must not bring harm to civilians on foreign soil in order to carry out their military objectives as the order of the reading of the constitution places the greater importance on those statements that come first and less priority to later statements, the sanctity of human life therefore is of the highest importance above all other objectives
The Department Of Justice & Fairness
State law must be recorded and worded for the population to understand
A legislative arm of the system of justice is to be present in all government departments and must preside over all matters of deliberation of legislation to maintain constitutional consistency
The Judicial arm of the system of justice is to be made up of panels of judges who will specialize on issues of morality and preside over court cases
Of Dept of Finance and Economics
It is the responsibility of government to be the sole creators and managers of the monetary system in the economy both fiat and electronic money, quantitative easing and periodically created money out of debt obligation within the nationalized banking sector.
The government must also balance the monetary supply where required by introducing the equivalent money supply to the interest payment of the created money supply through debt by direct government spending in times of economic expansion.
It is the responsibility of state to collect taxation from businesses and citizens in a fair and proportional manner in order to meet its responsibilities across all state departments
Government must actively encourage property ownership by individuals and collectives in order to create a stakeholdership of citizens to its country and with those property rights comes property obligations for the householder to seek to i) produce its own energy requirements ii) treat and make precise delivery on all its waste outputs so as not to pollute the environment iii) produce a proportion of its feed intake iv) supply the environment with a proportion of biodiversity
Of Dept of Culture & Heritage
It is the responsibility of the state to maintain the cultural heritage of the nation by preserving its landmarks, providing for its symbolic heads of state and their lives and activities, developing cultural heritage in the ongoing role in state adopted collective ideology.
To encourage the knowledge and awareness of British culture and heritage for its modern attributes as well as its past impact for better or worse.
Promotion of the ideology of the nation, and the morality and values that apply to social life
To value those who have made significant contribution to the wealth and well-being of the nation by giving them admiration for their achievements in formal honors
1. The key objectives of human endevour:
a) Sanctity and Preservation of Human Life
b) Quality of Existence
c) Harnessing of New Life and Personal Development
d) Protection and Development of the living environment
2. UK Social Contract:
a) The Equilibrium of Citizenship: Ego/Member of Society
b) Nation State Objectives and Responsibilities of The 12 Pillars of Governance